Zendaya revealed her hopes for her character, Rue, ahead of Euphoria’s anticipated third season. During an awards season Q&A, the HBO Max series‘ stars Zendaya, Sydney Sweeney, Hunter Schafer, and Maude Apatow were present to answer questions about season 2’s success and what fans want to see the third time around.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Z offered insight into Rue’s character arc and the significance of the show’s season 2 standout episode focused on her entitled, “Stand Still Like the Hummingbird.” She expressed that the ending for the episode was always intended to be more hopeful than Euphoria’s usual fanfare.
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“There was a much sadder ending to this season, and so we were thinking, ‘We can’t leave her here. She means too much to us,’” the actress known as Zendaya Coleman expressed to the crowd. “I think, collectively, as a people, we all needed a little bit of hope. We needed something to look forward to, some goodness and some joy, and trying to find that in a very painful time.”
She continued later in the Q&A, revealing her hopes for Euphoria’s lead after being asked about Rue’s future in season three of the award-winning series.
Zendaya, 26, disclosed that there is something “beautiful inside of [Rue]” and expressed a desire to further explore that untapped “happiness” as she learns how to enjoy life.
“And I know that she can do it because Sam wrote it, and Sam is Rue, and he’s done it,” the Emmy award-winning actress said, detailing how her character is based on Sam Levinson, the show’s creator, and his struggles with addiction.
“He’s proof that there is hope for Rue and anyone like Rue, and from the beautiful letters and people who have reached out — I am so grateful for those experiences when somebody comes up to me. And they speak about Rue and how they’ve connected to her or whatever part of their healing journey she has been able to be a part of. To me, that is the greatest, greatest gift I can ever ask, it gives me euphoria and purpose in what I do.”