Having once again ignited the internet’s collective passion for dragons, and bad things happening to people near dragons, HBO is now shutting the supply right back down for more than a year. This is per Vulture, which had a recent conversation with network head Casey Bloys, who revealed that you shouldn’t get your hopes up for a second season of Game Of Thrones spin-off House Of The Dragon in 2023.
“Don’t expect it in ’23, but I think sometime in ’24,” Bloys said, as part of a much longer interview focused on the show’s recent success as a hybrid of streaming and linear TV watching. (Among other things, Bloys contends that dropping the show into the old Game Of Thrones timeslot made for a much stronger “appointment television” vibe, even among viewers on HBO Max.) Discussing return dates, the network head was vague but insisted he wasn’t being coy, saying that, “We’re just starting to put the plan together, and just like last time, there are so many unknowns…you don’t want to say it’s going to be ready on this date, and then you have to move it.”
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Bloys wasn’t any more straightforward regarding questions about a second Thrones spin-off, which have been kicking around ever since the network issued a wide canvas for possible follow-ups to the massively successful series several years back. (At least one project before House got to the pilot stage, Bloodmoon, only to be rejected by HBO.) RE: a possible spin-off that might also keep the delays away, Bloys only said, “I try not to comment too much on development, so there’s not a whole lot to say, other than when we find the story that George [R.R. Martin] is happy with and we’re happy with, we’ll move forward.”
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