Tag: Vaccination and Immunization

Setting the Record Straight on Covid Variants and Reinfections

Alas, this current situation, where some are newly susceptible to infection while others remain protected, is no friend…

Deep in a Covid Wave, Europe Counts Cases and Carries On

ROME — Customers in the Rome bookstore paid no attention to the circular stickers on the floor instructing…

NYC Monkeypox Patients Face Painful Symptoms and Struggle For Care

Although he was covered with lesions, it took four hours of phone calls, and then five hours in…

Demand for Monkeypox Vaccine Exceeds Supply, C.D.C. Says

As the monkeypox outbreak grows in the United States, demand for the vaccine is outstripping the nation’s supply,…

Covid-19 Vaccines Temporarily Changed Menstrual Cycles, Study Shows

Nearly half of the participants of a recent study who were menstruating regularly at the time of the…

Biden Administration May Offer Second Coronavirus Boosters to All Adults

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration is considering whether to expand second coronavirus booster shots to adults under 50…

Where Mantras Trump Medicine, Vaccines Are a ‘Violation’

KANEKES, Indonesia — When their ancestors warned them, through dreams and a bone-bitingly cold wind, to be careful,…

The U.S. May Be Losing the Fight Against Monkeypox, Scientists Say

As epidemics go, the monkeypox outbreak should have been relatively easy to snuff out. The virus does not…

Are Covid Vaccines That Defend Against Omicron Variants Too Late?

Roseann Renouf, 77, has grown tired of the current generation of coronavirus shots. Having “never been one for…

As Monkeypox Spreads, U.S. Plans a Vaccination Campaign

Clinics nationwide will begin offering vaccinations against monkeypox to anyone who may have been exposed to the virus,…

Despite Another Covid Surge, Deaths Stay Near Lows

“Overall, the people who’ve been coming through with Covid are much, much less sick than they were even…

F.D.A. Authorizes Moderna and Pfizer Covid Vaccines for Youngest Children

WASHINGTON — The Food and Drug Administration authorized both the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccines for the nation’s…