Tag: United States Politics and Government

Meet the Reclusive Software Billionaire Attacking Elon Musk

“Trillion-Dollar Ponzi Scheme.”“Deep Flaws.”“Unsafe.”The television ads for Dan O’Dowd, a software billionaire running as a Democrat for Senate…

Why the Once-Hawkish Heritage Foundation Opposed Aid to Ukraine

WASHINGTON — Hours before the House voted this month to approve $40 billion in military and humanitarian aid…

U.S. to Begin Allowing Migrants to Apply for Asylum Under a New System

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration will begin to allow certain migrants to ask for asylum as they arrive…

Senators Grasp for a Bipartisan Gun Deal, Facing Long Odds

WASHINGTON — After the deadliest school shooting in a decade, a small group of Republican and Democratic senators…

Justice Dept. Won’t Prosecute Ex-F.B.I. Agents Accused of Mishandling Nassar Case

WASHINGTON — Two former F.B.I. agents accused of bungling the bureau’s investigation of Lawrence G. Nassar, the former…

Trump E.P.A. Chief ‘Endangered Public Safety’ by Ordering His Drivers to Speed

WASHINGTON — Scott Pruitt, while in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency during the Trump administration, repeatedly pressured…

Defense Team for Democratic-Linked Lawyer Won’t Call Ex-Times Reporter to Testify

WASHINGTON — The defense team for Michael Sussmann, a lawyer with ties to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, has…

A Timeline of Failed Attempts to Address U.S. Gun Violence

WASHINGTON — For more than a decade, as mass shooting has followed mass shooting in the United States,…

F.D.A. Chief Details ‘Shocking’ Conditions at Baby Formula Plant

The Abbott Nutrition plant in Michigan that was shut down in February, sparking a widespread baby formula shortage…

After Texas Shooting, Ted Cruz Digs In Against Gun Control

In 2013, he introduced legislation with Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, that would have incentivized states…

Trump Said to Have Reacted Approvingly to Jan. 6 Chants About Hanging Pence

Shortly after hundreds of rioters at the Capitol started chanting “Hang Mike Pence!” on Jan. 6, 2021, the…

Intensifying Inquiry Into Alternate Electors Focuses on Trump Lawyers

The Justice Department has stepped up its criminal investigation into the creation of alternate slates of pro-Trump electors…