Tag: Senate

How Diverse Are the Candidates in the Midterm Elections?

After a pair of triumphant elections for women and people of color in American politics, in which records…

How Election Lies Took Over the Republican Ticket Nationwide

Hundreds of Republican midterm candidates have questioned or spread misinformation about the 2020 election. Hundreds of Republican midterm…

Bill to Grant Afghan Evacuees a Path to Residency Hits Snags

WASHINGTON — On the lawn outside the Capitol this week, the flags of two countries flew in protest:…

‘A Crisis Coming’: The Twin Threats to American Democracy

Today, however, falsehoods can spread much more easily, through social media and a fractured news environment. In the…

Stock Trades Reported by Nearly a Fifth of Congress Show Possible Conflicts

Despite their influence and extensive access to information, members of Congress can buy and sell stocks with few…

These 97 Members of Congress Reported Trades in Companies Influenced by Their Committees

Read the full article At least 97 current members of Congress bought or sold stock, bonds or other…

How Private Equity Lobbying Watered Down the Corporate Minimum Tax

WASHINGTON — An hour after Democrats released the text of their climate and tax legislation, Washington lobbyists for…

Chuck Schumer Delivers on Climate Change and Health Care Deal

WASHINGTON — Senator Chuck Schumer was huddled in his Capitol office on Thursday evening awaiting a climactic meeting…

Climate and Tax Bill Scales Crucial Senate Hurdle, Paving Path to Passage

WASHINGTON — A divided Senate took a crucial step on Saturday toward approving Democrats’ plan to tackle climate…

Pitching G.O.P. on Gay Marriage Bill, Tammy Baldwin Leaves Nothing to Chance

WASHINGTON — Senator Tammy Baldwin, the soft-spoken liberal Democrat of Wisconsin, was on a plane home from Washington…

Sinema Agrees to Climate and Tax Deal, Clearing the Way for Votes

WASHINGTON — Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Democrat of Arizona, announced on Thursday evening that she would support moving forward…

Democrats’ Climate Deal Isn’t Done Yet. Here Are the Remaining Hurdles.

“We have a good, balanced piece of legislation. It’s taken me eight months to get here,” Mr. Manchin…