Tag: Photographs

Throughout Rural Europe, Ashley Suszczynski Images Outstanding and Historic Masked Traditions — Colossal

 Artwork Craft Historical past Pictures #Ashley Suszczynski #costumes #Europe #Indigenous tradition #masks August 26, 2024 Kate Mothes…

Slopes, Snakes, and Slides Wrap Round ‘Casa de los Milagros’ in Images by Naser Nader Ibrahim — Colossal

 Design Nature #animals #structure #Naser Nader Ibrahim August 23, 2024 Jackie Andres All pictures © Naser Nader…

In a Tribute to Ever-Altering Rural America, Brendon Burton Collects a Decade of Images in ‘Epitaph’ — Colossal

 Historical past Images #Brendon Burton #landscapes August 6, 2024 Kate Mothes All photos © Brendon Burton, shared…

Rajesh Vora Pictures the Distinctive Punjabi Custom of Adorning Properties with Sculptural Water Tanks — Colossal

 Images #structure #India #Rajesh Vora Rajesh Vora. Uppal Bhupa Village, Jalandhar District, Punjab, 2015. Picture courtesy of…

In ‘Unseen Work,’ Vivian Maier’s Unimaginable Pictures Go On Show for Her First U.S. Retrospective — Colossal

 Historical past Pictures #exhibition #portraits #road pictures #Vivian Maier Chicago, Illinois, Might 16, 1957. All pictures ©…