Tag: Medicare

Social Security’s Cost-of-Living Increase Will Be Largest in Four Decades, an Estimate Says

More than 70 million Americans who receive Social Security benefits can expect an inflation adjustment to their monthly…

Climate and Tax Bill Scales Crucial Senate Hurdle, Paving Path to Passage

WASHINGTON — A divided Senate took a crucial step on Saturday toward approving Democrats’ plan to tackle climate…

Democrats’ Long-Sought Plan for Lowering Drug Costs Is at Hand

WASHINGTON — For decades, as prescription drug costs have soared, Democrats have battled with the pharmaceutical industry in…

Democrats Propose Raising Taxes on Some High Earners to Bolster Medicare

WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats will push to raise taxes on some high-earning Americans and steer the money to…

Medicare Advantage Plans Often Deny Needed Care, Federal Report Finds

Every year, tens of thousands of people enrolled in private Medicare Advantage plans are denied necessary care that…

Inside a Campaign to Get Medicare Coverage for a New Alzheimer’s Drug

In the interview, Mr. Johns echoed these explanations. Asked if association officials had communicated with Biogen since Medicare’s…