Tag: Fringe Groups and Movements

How ‘Lord of the Rings’ Inspires Italy’s Giorgia Meloni

But for Ms. Meloni, all of those took a back shelf to “The Lord of the Rings.” She…

Trump Rally Plays Music Resembling QAnon Song, and Crowds React

Former President Donald J. Trump appeared to more fully embrace QAnon on Saturday, playing a song at a…

Why Alex Jones’s Trial Won’t Stop the Spread of Lies

If it hadn’t been so excruciatingly sad, Alex Jones’s defamation trial might have been cathartic.Mr. Jones, the supplement-slinging…

Doug Mastriano Faces Criticism Over His Backing From Antisemitic Ally

Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for governor of Pennsylvania, is under increasing scrutiny over his connections to the…

Draghi’s Fall Reverberates Beyond Italy

ROME — Just over a month ago, Prime Minister Mario Draghi of Italy boarded an overnight train with…

‘It’s Just Been Hell:’ Life as the Victim of a Jan. 6 Conspiracy Theory

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which…

‘So the Traitors Know the Stakes’: The Meaning of the Jan. 6 Gallows

WASHINGTON — Hours after President Donald J. Trump announced a “wild” rally in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021,…

Jan. 6: The Story So Far

At 3 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021, Jeffrey Clark, the acting head of the Justice Department’s civil…

Lawyer Who Plotted to Overturn Trump Loss Recruits Election Deniers to Watch Over the Vote

“If they’re being obstructionary and slowing down the process, that’s going to be incredibly challenging,” she said.Ms. Mitchell…

House, Acting After Buffalo Rampage, Moves to Combat Domestic Terrorism

WASHINGTON — The House passed legislation on Wednesday aimed at bulking up the federal government’s efforts to combat…

Biden Heads to Buffalo to Mourn Shooting Victims and Denounce Those Espousing Hate

WASHINGTON — President Biden will travel to Buffalo on Tuesday to denounce the racist massacre in a predominately…

What to Know About Tucker Carlson’s Rise

Night after night on Fox, Tucker Carlson weaponizes his viewers’ fears and grievances to create what may be…