Tag: Europe

Deep in a Covid Wave, Europe Counts Cases and Carries On

ROME — Customers in the Rome bookstore paid no attention to the circular stickers on the floor instructing…

At NATO Summit in Madrid, Debates Underneath the Unity

BRUSSELS — After the collapse of the Soviet Union, some asked whether NATO had any real reason to…

As Russia Chokes Ukraine’s Grain Exports, Romania Tries to Fill In

Stopping at the edge of a vast field of barley on his farm in Prundu, 30 miles outside…

French Nuclear Power Crisis Frustrates Europe’s Push to Quit Russian Energy

PARIS — Plumes of steam towered above two reactors recently at the Chinon nuclear power plant in the…

As European Leaders Visit Kyiv, Putin Cuts Their Gas Supply

BERLIN — As the leaders of Europe’s three biggest economies appeared in Kyiv on Thursday to send a…

How Travelers to Europe Can Deal With the Summer’s Chaos

Adding to the upheaval, aviation workers in Europe have held strikes in recent weeks, demanding better working conditions…

What Europe’s Universal Charger Mandate Means for You

Most of us own multiple types of chargers to replenish our devices. That’s because many products, like Apple…

Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck While Traveling Overseas

For American travelers heading abroad, the growing strength of the dollar is the upside of a volatile economy.…

‘Everybody Should Be Concerned’ About Monkeypox, Biden Warns

President Biden raised the alarm on Sunday about monkeypox, a viral infection fast spreading around the world, and…

Estonia’s Tough Voice on Ukraine Urges No Compromise With Putin

TALLINN, Estonia — Kaja Kallas, now 44, grew up in the Soviet Union, which had annexed her country,…

Treasury Secretary Yellen Looks to Get Global Tax Deal Back on Track

“I think the reality of turning a political commitment into binding domestic legislation is a lot more complex,”…

Europe Is About to Ban Russian Oil: What Happens Next?

Russia’s decades-long dominance of Europe’s energy market is crumbling, and the biggest blow is expected this week as…