Tag: Embargoes and Sanctions

How a Looming Oil Ban Could Devastate a Small Italian City

Like thousands of Sicilians who live near Priolo Gargallo, part of an industrial petrochemical hub on this island’s…

Germany, Facing Energy Crisis, Gives Nuclear Another Look

LANDSHUT, Germany — When Angela Merkel pulled the plug on nuclear power after the Fukushima meltdown, she set…

Biden Administration’s Bid to Cap Russia Oil Prices Faces Resistance

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration’s push to form an international buyers’ cartel to cap the price of Russian…

Blinken Resists Push to Label Russia a Terrorist State

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate supports it unanimously. So does House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, along with Ukraine’s president,…

Kraken, a U.S. Crypto Exchange, Is Suspected of Violating Sanctions

Kraken, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, is under federal investigation, suspected of violating U.S. sanctions by…

Russia Taps Iran and Turkey as Allies Against the U.S.

BRUSSELS — Commenting on the visit of Vladimir V. Putin to Iran, a member of the Russian Parliament…

Mission Impossible? Officials Wrangle to Free Ukraine’s Grains

BRUSSELS — Russian and Ukrainian negotiators are scheduled to meet Wednesday in Istanbul, in the increasingly desperate effort…

U.S. Aims to Expand Export Bans on China Over Security and Human Rights

WASHINGTON — When Russian forces invaded Ukraine nearly five months ago, the Biden administration led dozens of governments…

G7 Leaders Work to Punish Russia Over Ukraine War

TELFS, Austria — Leaders of the Group of 7 nations said Sunday they would stop buying gold from…

Ukraine War’s Latest Victim? The Fight Against Climate Change.

BERLIN — Russia’s invasion of Ukraine seemed like an unexpected opportunity for environmentalists, who had struggled to focus…

U.S.-Led Alliance Faces Frustration, and Pain of its Own, Over Russia Sanctions

WASHINGTON — Four months into the war in Ukraine, the countries aligned against Russia face growing economic pain…

To Pressure Taiwan, China is Now Targeting its Grouper Exports

FANGLIAO, Taiwan — Lin Chun-lai bought his grouper farm in southern Taiwan about a decade ago with an…