Tag: Diplomatic Service, Embassies and Consulates

Explosion at Ukraine Embassy in Madrid Injures One Employee

MADRID — A letter bomb delivered to the Ukrainian Embassy in Madrid exploded on Wednesday, mildly injuring an…

U.S. Offer to Swap Russian Arms Dealer for Griner Highlights Uncomfortable Choices

For their families as well, the choice looks different than for geopolitical figures worried about the precedent. “It’s…

From Benghazi to Raqqa, a Kansas Woman Left a ‘Trail of Betrayal’

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A teacher from Kansas who had converted to Islam traveled to the most dangerous conflicts…

A Crumbling Russian ‘Spyville’ Returns to Polish Hands

WARSAW — Soviet diplomats moved out of the hulking Warsaw housing compound more than 30 years ago. But…

Russia Releases Trevor Reed, Former U.S. Marine, in Prisoner Swap

Mr. Richardson said on CNN on Wednesday that he believed Mr. Biden was moved by the humanitarian need…

Missiles Fired From Iran Hit Near U.S. Consulate Site in Iraq

The Iraqi president, Barham Salih, who is Kurdish, said the timing of the attack was aimed at obstructing…

Afghan Embassy, Now Out of Money, Will Shut Down, U.S. Says

WASHINGTON — Without the backing of a recognized government or money to keep the lights on, Afghanistan’s embassy…

Why the Chinese Internet Is Cheering Russia’s Invasion

The countries’ friendship has “no limits,” they declared.Given that the leaders met just weeks before the invasion, it…

Unpaid and Potentially Stateless, Afghan Diplomats Seek Permission to Remain in U.S.

The services bring in $2,000 to $3,000 in fees each month, Mr. Nejrabi said — enough to keep…

Puzzle in Ukraine Crisis: Where’s the U.S. Ambassador?

Some diplomats and experts speculated that the White House had little appetite for a Senate confirmation hearing that…