Sarah Jessica Parker has a million things to do and stressing about her age is not one.
The Sex and the City star recently revealed her indifference surrounding age in an interview with Glamour, clarifying that her decision to sport gray hair was not an act of bravery but convenience.
“I can’t spend time getting base color every two weeks. Can’t do it. Nope. Too much,” said Parker.
The 57-year-old actress unintentionally found herself on the receiving end of praise last summer after being photographed whilst eating in Manhattan, rocking what many claimed to be “herringbone highlights,” a term she wasn’t even familiar with.
“It became months and months of conversation about how brave I am for having gray hair,” she said of the aftermath of the photo.
Herringbone highlights utilize natural gray hair as a form of highlight rather than masking them with hair dye.
“Oh wow! That’s… what are they?” Parker said of the style that has become increasingly popular amongst women looking to embrace their graying hair.
Parker never actually stopped dying her hair and sort of stumbled into the herringbone look due to her busy schedule and inability to constantly have her gray hairs touched up. Still, she doesn’t find this decision brave by any measure.
“I was like, Please, please applaud someone else’s courage on something,” she said.
Parker’s general approach to aging mirrors her thoughts on gray hair. Who cares?
“I just don’t understand why I’m supposed to be spending that much time thinking about it,” she said.
She doesn’t completely ignore the passing of time but doesn’t see the point in dwelling on something so natural.
“It’s not that I’m purposefully dismissive or delusional. But I don’t really ponder it. There’s been far more peripheral chatter about my time spent on earth than I’ve spent thinking about it myself,” she said.
If anything, Parker is grateful for the lessons, wisdom and experiences that have come with age.
“I don’t think there’s a right or a wrong way to have a relationship with aging, living, time spent on earth. But mine is that there are a million things I want to do with my free time, and none of them have to do with preserving [what I look like] now or trying to get back to 15 years ago,” she said, adding that she has much better ways to spend her limited free time. “All I think about is like, ‘Where am I going to eat?’ ‘What books am I gonna bring with me?’ ‘Can we get into that strange little restaurant?’ ‘Will the water be warm enough where I wanna swim?’ Also, Wordle,” she said.
This doesn’t mean she is entirely against some of the vainer luxuries in life and still fancies a good hair appointment and skincare routine.
“It’s not that I don’t take a moment every night and wash my face and put on moisturizer. I do!”
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