
Updating widespread data

Have you ever ever puzzled how the outcomes of scientific analysis get written up, printed, disseminated and, in some circumstances, ultimately accepted as typical knowledge? How do these obscure educational…

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Joining the Mile High Club on a Flight with Love Cloud

For $995, Love Cloud will fly you and a partner in a private airplane for…

‘Russia is the global enemy’: Fallout from Ukraine invasion could last for years

WASHINGTON — When he invaded Ukraine, Vladimir Putin almost certainly expected a quick, decisive conquest…

G.O.P. Declares Jan. 6 Attack ‘Legitimate Political Discourse’

WASHINGTON — The Republican Party on Friday officially declared the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on…

Lasted Culture

The paunch

The historical past of various peoples, and of humanity as a complete, could be introduced in every kind of how.…


In Soundings, Óscar García Agustín discusses the traces of Eurocommunism that linger on in modern European politics. ‘The legacy of…

No future!

Dreary, dismal, drab, forlorn. In a problem of Wespennest entitled ‘No future’ (a homage to the Intercourse Pistols, as the…

The battle for trans life

‘The trendy world has established the border between our insanity and their sanity … Enlightened despots of the twenty first…

Belarus and the ghosts of the wild hunt

Why are books being banned and their authors not permitted to fulfill with readers in immediately’s Belarus? Why are there…

Der Weg nach Hause

Unmittelbar nach dem Einmarsch Russlands in die Ukraine im Jahr 2022 schien es, dass sich alles verändert hatte und nie…

Das zweite Leben der Waffen aus dem Kalten Krieg

Für den Krieg in der Ukraine werden Waffen aus dem Kalten Krieg reaktiviert. Beide Seiten setzen neben hochmodernen Panzern auch…

Die Wahl der ukrainischen Sprache, damals und heute

Im neunzehnten Jahrhundert battle es oft eine Frage der Wahl, Ukrainer*in zu sein. Die ukrainische Stadtbevölkerung sprach in der Regel…