“The President said he has no intention sit down with Vladimir Putin, and that’s where we are today,” Kirby said during a press briefing.
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In an earlier interview with CNN, Biden said the following: “Look, I have no intention of meeting with him, but look, if he came to me at the G20 and said, ‘I want to talk about the release of Griner,’ I would meet with him, but that would depend.”
Previously, Politico reported the United States is taking steps to avoid any potential Biden-Putin encounters at the November summit in Bali. The White House subsequently denied the report.
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Both Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy were invited to the G-20 summit, scheduled for Nov. 15-16. Zelenskyy said the exact format of his participation in the even will depend on the situation in Ukraine.
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Putin did not rule out attending the summit in person, although the final decision has apparently not been taken yet.
Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine