Russian Telegram channels report on the attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the headquarters of the Wagner PMC [a network of mercenaries who serve as the de facto private army of Russian President Vladimir Putin] in the occupied Popasna, Luhansk Oblast, a photo of which was recently published by the Russian military correspondent.
Source: the Russian department of Radio Liberty
Details: Reports of the Armed Forces of Ukraine attack on the Wagner PMC headquarters in Popasna appeared on Sunday in Russian telegram channels. A photo of the destruction was also published.
According to Radio Liberty, the telegram channels of Wagner PMC confirm the strike.
On 8 August, Russian military correspondent Sergey Sereda wrote about his visit to the “headquarters”. He published a post on Telegram, writing: “Arrived in Popasna, stopped by the headquarters of Wagner PMC. They met me like family and told several funny stories.”
According to Radio Liberty, one of the photos that he posted shows Yevgeny Prigozhin [a Russian oligarch who controls a network of companies], who is believed to be the owner of Wagner PMC, although he himself denies it.
These photos pissed off many pro-Russian commentators, as one of them shows a sign with the address of the nearest bomb shelter – Myronivska Street, 12.
Radio Svoboda analysed photos of houses in the area and concluded that the photo is indeed a house located at this address.
After information about the strike on Popasna, Sergey Sereda deleted his message about visiting the “headquarters”, but numerous copies of it remained on the Web.
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