“We’ve also communicated directly and very clearly to the Russians, President Putin about the consequences,” said Blinken.
Read also: Russia holds massive nuclear exercise, observed by dictator Putin
The secretary did not specify how the message was delivered to Putin, adding that Washington is “carefully monitoring” Moscow’s nuclear threats, and that Russia’s nuclear posture remains unchanged thus far.
Read also: Bowing to Putin’s nuclear blackmail will make nuclear war more likely
He also dismissed recent Russian claims of Kyiv allegedly preparing to detonate a “dirty bomb” in southern Ukraine.
Read also: Kremlin’s lies about Ukraine’s plans to use dirty bomb ‘aim to force acceptance of occupation’
“The reason this particular allegation gives us some concern is because Russia has a track record of projecting, which is to say, accusing others of doing something that they themselves have done or are thinking about doing,” Blinken concluded.
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu contacted his French, UK, and Turkish counterparts on Oct. 23, “alerting” them to Ukraine’s plans to allegedly stage false flag operations involving a “dirty bomb” device.
Read also: Reznikov talks with Turkish, French and British counterparts after Shoigu’s lies
Western leaders and NATO officials have subsequently dismissed the claims as “absurd.”
Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine