Kanye West appeared on Cuomo Monday, where he doubled down on the anti-Semitic sentiment the rapper expressed in a recent tweet, causing his account to be locked. Chris Cuomo tried to explain to Ye that he has to understand why his comments are being taken the way they are, but to no avail.
“Look at how your point was gonna start: ‘You have to understand.’ But the thing is,” Ye said, “the Jewish people that I’m talking about don’t have to understand, and that is that privilege that I’m not gonna allow.”
Ye offered the uproar to his wearing a White Lives Matter shirt as a legitimate reason for his slander against the Jewish community.
“When I wore the White Lives Matter t-shirt, the Jewish underground media mafia already started attacking me,” Ye said, before referencing canceled concerts, and public tiffs with Pete Davidson and Trevor Noah. He added, “They just immediately disrespect me. They keep the crazy narrative going. They never call me a billionaire.”
Ye went on to complain that the media refers to him as a rapper rather than a tycoon, a visionary, or an inventor. He later claimed to have received death threats after wearing a Make America Great Again hat, from his “Jewish managers,” his “Jewish lawyer” and his “Jewish accountant.” He walked back the claim about his accountant.
It was recently reported that anti-Semitic comments by Ye were edited out of a recent interview with Fox News’s Tucker Carlson, but that was not the case on Cuomo. And Cuomo eventually pushed back against Ye’s rhetoric.
“You’re trying to say that there isn’t a collective. Over 50% of the executives in Hollywood, the CEOs, are Jewish,” Ye said. “And these guys know each other.” “That’s different than saying it’s a mafia,” Cuomo responded, “and that they act as Jews in some way as opposed to just being businessmen.”
When Cuomo once again cut in to correct Ye’s slanderous language, Ye made it clear that he had no interest in listening. As the two talked over each other, and Cuomo tried to explain to Ye what was wrong with what he was saying, Ye broke out into a childish, “La la la la la la,” to avoid hearing what Cuomo had to say.
Cuomo airs weeknights at 8 p.m. on NewsNation.
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