We need a change in people running our government
I have found that as I get older, contrary to the recent social trend, I am becoming more politically incorrect. Even two years ago, I would never have said what I am about to say for fear that it was inappropriate or unfair. I feel, however, that many people in our government today are either uninformed, stupid or corrupt.
I don’t think our society is beyond saving, but I do think that things have gotten very serious and if more people don’t become aware of that seriousness, we may well be lost.
I don’t believe that we need a change of government, we need a wholesale change of the people running our government. I am really not sure if, in the long run, that Republicans will be any better in office than the Democrats have been, but I, personally will not vote for any Democrat in the near future.
If nothing else, we must give a clear message to all legislators in the upcoming mid-term election that they, too, will be held responsible for irresponsible or criminal behavior and hope that our message prods the leaders of our government to clean up their act.
Don McCullough, Manhattan
Assisted living residents need rights protected
Kansas allows assisted living facilities to evict residents without cause, in violation of regulations, and not be held accountable. And there is nothing the resident can do about it. Facilities can appeal infractions, but residents cannot.
Assisted living residents have no legal rights, no legal protection. They are being illegally evicted and have no recourse. Unwarranted eviction remains the primary complaint received by the Long-Term Care Ombudsman year after year.
HB 2004 gives residents the right to appeal unwarranted eviction. It is well past time for Kansas to start enforcing its laws and give our seniors the respect they deserve. HB 2004 awaits action by the Kansas Legislature.
Rachel Imthurn, Maple Hill
Donald Trump’s admiration of Vladimir Putin says all
The Vladimir Putin-directed slaughter in Ukraine approaches genocide. Putin is in the same class as Hitler and Stalin from bygone times and the murderous lunatic ruling North Korea today. But Donald Trump continues to revere Putin by referring to him as a genius, brilliant and a great leader. Trump’s stance regarding this atrocious killer is nothing less than incredulous and affirms he has no respect for democracy or human rights or life.
A critical issue now is whether the millions of Republicans, including thousands of Republicans in Kansas, will awaken, see Trump’s true colors and soundly reject him as their god. Or will they remain dormant, blind-eyed and brain-dead in their worship of this traitor to American values? Stay tuned. Don’t turn the dial.
Richard Schutz, Topeka
President Putin vs. General Patton
President Putin in a speech last week to the Russian people, talking about the war in Ukraine, quoted John 15:13: “There is no other love rather than if someone gives soul for their friends.” English translations are “to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
General Patton said, “The object of war is not die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.”
Neither Putin or Patton live up to Jesus’ commandment to love one another as he loved us. But given the choice of armies, most everyone would choose Patton’s army.
Bill Stumpff, Topeka
This article originally appeared on Topeka Capital-Journal: Letters address change, assisted living residents, Trump and Putin