Vote Cathy Hodson for select board on March 8; your voice will be heard
Feb. 25 – To the Editor:
As longtime Rye residents, we enthusiastically support Cathy Hodson’s campaign to join Rye’s Select Board. Cathy lives her commitment to civic engagement. She conscientiously attended nearly every session of the Town Center Committee, often being the only non-committee member to sit through lengthy discussions about what voters want in Rye’s town center.
Most recently, Cathy campaigned to save the Portsmouth Women’s Club as an historic site and a functioning safety net for low income, single working women. She invariably champions the values of fairness, historic preservation, and respect for the natural and human resources within a community.
More: Meet two candidates vying for one seat on Rye Select Board; Bill Epperson and Cathy Hodson
More: Candidate Announcement: Cathy Hodson for Rye Select Board
We are confident Cathy will bring a regional lens when addressing issues such as land use, development and beach access. She will stand firmly on the side of involving the voters in town decision-making whether there is a budgetary issue or a public impact situation such as, cell tower placement or large-scale commercial development at nearby Pease Airport.
Voting for Cathy Hodson on March 8 for Rye’s Select Board will ensure that public input will be heard and respected.
Jean and Mel Low
Ronnie and Randolph Flaschner
Candidate Announcement: Re-elect Victor Azzi to Rye Library Board
Feb. 25 – To the Editor:
I write this on behalf of my candidacy for re-election to a seat on the Board of Trustees of the Rye Public Library. We appear to have survived some trying times. Let us now get on with accomplishing some good and constructive work, finally, with some momentum, to help make Rye a better place for all.
I am Victor Azzi. I have lived in Rye for some 39 years, having moved here from Durham to a home on Old Ocean Boulevard.
I have had a long career, or succession of careers, in higher education and professional practice, as a University Professor, a University Architect, a Campus Planner, and a Consulting Engineer, nationally and abroad, long responsible for the design and construction of durable, institutional-quality, architecturally-distinguished, award-winning buildings.
My involvement with the Rye Public Library began in the early 1990s, as part of a search team to secure land on which the Library would be able to expand. I was then asked to oversee the design and construction process. I did, gladly, pro bono.
In 1998, I was asked to run to fill a seat on the Board of Trustees and was elected, as the design and construction of an expansion continued.
Since that time, I have been a member, a chairman, and have served in a variety of roles on the Board as well as serving on many other town bodies and projects.
Working with others, we have accomplished much to help make the town a better place for all. In an expanded library, we have stabilized the issues related to staffing and managing the operations, instituting change in policies, programming, technology, media, and compensation programs.
We have expanded the Board of Trustees from three to five members in order to represent more points of view, as well as to have more help in dealing with the matters of the Board. The library, fulfilling its vision and mission, has become a gem, of and in the Town of Rye. It is the Cultural Heart as well as the Community Center.
We have developed and instituted regular multi-year Strategic Plans and Master Planning studies, based on the needs and wants of the patrons and residents as expressed in multiple polls, questionnaires, surveys, listening sessions, and individual conversations.
Our efforts indicate the need to provide an expanded menu of programming and space within our building and beyond.
We have recently secured the land on which the library was expected to expand back in 1995, the parcel, once occupied by the Parsonage Apartments building. This precious land was purchased by the voters in 1995 and always known to be required for the expressed purposes of future expansion of the Rye Public Library.
We have now created a library common on that now-green space and a related Master Plan for the creation of a campus-like relationship and synergy for the library, the Rye Town Museum, the Library Common, performance space, related parking, and provisions for future growth of the library building with enhanced programming, and integrated opportunities for activities both within and outside the building.
We are in the early stages of these efforts, working with our Advisory Committee and other partners, along with our architect, landscape architect, civil engineer, legal counsel and surveyor.
The project may seem daunting. However, it is exciting and rewarding, as we all work together to serve the expressed needs of the Rye residents, the Rye Public Library, and the Rye Town Center.
Victor D. Azzi, PhD, PE
Courage and integrity will triumph over corrupt oligarchs at home and abroad
Feb. 26 – To the Editor:
I wonder how better prepared the people of Ukraine would have been if President Trump had not held up their military aid from America. As we all remember; Trump tried to blackmail Ukrainian President Zelensky into helping him create a scandal around Joe Biden’s son by withholding their promised military supplies.
Of course, Zelensky refused Trump’s coercion. In spite of this, I am convinced that people of courage and integrity will prevail over the corrupt oligarchs in Russia and America.
Bill Kingston
New Castle
Insights from Humpty Dumpty on political lies in US and Russia
Feb. 26 – To the Editor:
In the Russian description of those who are attacking Ukraine as “peacekeeping forces” and the Republican Party’s description of those who attacked the US Capitol as behaving in a “legitimate political discussion” there is a commonality that is chilling.
I am reminded of something Lewis Carroll wrote in “Alice in Wonderland.”
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said scornfully, “It means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.”
Evidently, and unfortunately, this belief is not limited to fiction.
Donna Theobald
Portsmouth rapidly becoming a club for the wealthy. No affordable housing
Feb. 26 – To the Editor:
It’s the same old song and dance. An article from Feb. 23 describes new housing in Portsmouth, with no mention of anything affordable to regular folks. Just the last sentence will do: “The site’s been designed to create a really nice private neighborhood.” Is it going to be gated, by chance? Private security?
More: 50 townhouses: Portsmouth development aims to meet demand for housing
More: Want to live in downtown Portsmouth? New workforce apartments opening. Here’s how to apply
When is somebody going to build small apartments for the writers, restaurant workers, shop owners and others in need of realistically priced housing? Why doesn’t the city make this an integral part, a demand, of every building plan? Now, 44 acres are set aside only for those who can afford a townhouse. Portsmouth is rapidly becoming a club for the wealthy.
Stephen Zanichkowsky
Vote for Susan Ross and Katherine Errecart for Rye School Board
Feb. 22 – To the Editor:
We wrote previously to endorse Katherine Errecart for one of the two open school board seats in Rye. We are excited to also endorse Susan Ross for the other open seat. We are melancholic about leaving the Rye School Board after a combined 15 years, but we are thankful to have such high-quality candidates ready to fill our places along with our amazing three remaining Board members.
Susan has a long career as a professional educator, working as a social studies and special education teacher, and eventually as an independent learning specialist working with students in public and private school settings. Susan served as the president of the North East Association of Learning Specialists, the largest organization of its kind in America. Importantly, Ms. Ross has attended many school board meetings and has taken the time to interact with current board members to make sure she has a solid understanding of the most pressing issues facing Rye schools.
More: Get to know 3 candidates seeking 2 seats on Rye School Board; Errecart, Maxwell and Ross
Katherine, a mom of two Rye students, has a rich background in nonprofit strategic planning that will be a huge asset to the Rye School Board. Katherine has also been an educator, having started her career at a K-8 school that serves low income students in Newark, NJ. Katherine has been directly involved in the workings of the Rye district. She was an instrumental advisory committee member to the School Board, examining enrollment trends and identifying strategic options for our facilities. She is also a member of the grants committee for the Rye Education Foundation and coaches for Rye youth soccer.
There’s a lot we will miss about being on the school board, but we are excited and relieved to have two fabulous candidates to help lead Rye schools out of the pandemic and move to the next level of greatness. We urge all Rye voters to support Susan Ross and Katherine Errecart for Rye School Board!
Scott Marion, Margaret Honda
Vote for Rye—Vote for Epperson
Feb. 26 – To the editor:
The upcoming election in March will determine our town leaders for Rye into the future. I ask you to join me in voting for Bill Epperson for the Select Board.
He is the candidate with a history of commitment and experience in Rye government that will serve us best. Bill went to school here. Following his Air Force service, he returned here to live. He has served on every commission and committee important to Rye governance. It is well-acknowledged that he is good to work with, listens, is fair-minded, is decisive, is welcoming of everyone’s opinion, and makes up his own mind with clearly stated reasoning.
More: Candidate Announcement: Bill Epperson for Rye Select Board
Bill’s long experience in town matters, such as securing cell tower service, managing the budget, and determination of our stable tax rate makes him the best candidate for the Board of Selectmen. Please join me in voting for Bill Epperson, the candidate best equipped to keep Rye the safe, lovely, and well-served town it is.
Burton Dibble, MD
Preserve Durham’s natural beauty; save Mill Pond dam
Feb. 27 — Letter to the editor:
Can you think of any more beautiful spots in the entire town of Durham than the two small public parks; one below the timeless dam, and the other beside the Mill Pond?
Below the dam you can walk your dog, have a picnic, or just watch the water spill over the dam.
By the Mill Pond you can put on your skates, launch a kayak, or just sit on a bench and watch nature from a sitting position. This past summer there were a pair of bald eagles nesting on the pond for the first time!
For those of you who haven’t made up your mind on voting whether to keep these town treasures, I would urge you to check out There is much excellent technical information there, but also take a look at the list of the wildlife that live in and around the Mill Pond that will die – or fly away – if the dam is destroyed.
A yes vote on March 8 will keep the dam and the Mill Pond and the eagles soaring over it. A soothing balm in this time of stress in our town, country, and the world.
Sally Ford
Trump just loves Putin
Feb. 27 – To the Editor:
As death and destruction rained down on Ukrainian cities from bombs, from artillery, from missiles, from long-range flame throwers, Natalie Khukar fled to Eastern Poland with her two sons, 8 and 5, in hand. With tears in her eyes she said, “I have no words to describe what Putin is doing. A normal person would never have done what Putin is doing.”
Here’s what Donald Trump said of Putin’s unprovoked attack on a democracy. “This is genius. He’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper.”
Reject Trump and his proxies and supporters once and for all. The man is toxic and totally beholden to the dictator of America’s most dangerous enemy. He is an enemy of democracy!
Michael Frandzel
Vote for Cathy Hodson for Rye Select Board on March 8
Feb. 27– To the Editor:
Cathy Hodson, a certified public accountant, has lived in Rye with her family since 1998 and loves serving her community. She served as secretary of the Rye Jr High PTO, treasurer of the PHS Football boosters, moderator at the Portsmouth Candidates forums, volunteered as a ballot clerk at Rye elections and served as a board member of A Safe Place in Portsmouth. As the 2016 president of the Portsmouth Women’s City Club she increased membership from 10 to more than 100 members. The club provides affordable housing for local women, contributes to yearly scholarships to PHS graduates, supports the Pease Greeters, runs coat drives, and stocks the Portsmouth food pantry.
I have lived in Rye for over 30 years and known Cathy for over 20 years. She is the person who shows up when you need a hand and also the person who will give you straight talk when you need that too. She is smart, fair and has integrity. She will work hard for our town.
Please vote for Cathy for Rye Select board. I am certain she will be exceptional in this position.
Eileen Behan McCue
Imagine the danger if Trump were still in charge; Biden a steady leader
Feb. 27 — To the Editor:
The Republicans have a conundrum. The MAGA wing, giving aid and comfort to the enemy with their effusive praise for Putin, is attacking our commander in chief for doing too much for Ukraine. The non-MAGA faction is criticizing him for not doing enough. At any rate, they share an agenda of undermining President Biden, unconcerned if their actions weaken America’s position. We should be grateful for Biden’s steady leadership in this crisis. Imagine the danger if the self-absorbed Trump (“Vladimir likes me. He really likes me!”) were still in charge.
Michael Behrendt
America is falling behind in providing a quality education; issue is not money
Feb. 27 – To the Editor:
In Sunday’s Op-Ed, Robert Azzi likens the defeat of a bill providing additional funding for a meal to needy students to an attack on public education. He rants about perceived injustices and how they demonstrate the evil nature of the well-educated and affluent and their “frantic dying grasps … to try to sustain their power.”
More: Azzi: 40 cents a day for hungry children was too much for NH House majority
In the ultimate irony, Azzi lauds education and Horace Mann and then blames “literate, engaged, and productive citizens willing to participate in civic life.” If public education is society’s cornerstone, then the foundation is crumbling.
America is falling behind in providing a quality education. But it is not for lack of money. The average NH teacher’s salary has increased by $25,000 in the last 20 years. The NH median household income has only increased by $12,000. So taxpayers are sacrificing more for education, but getting less bang for our buck. The solution may not be more money, but higher quality instead.
A school board’s authority is given by consent of the governed. Parents of all races, creeds, and economic and social classes are speaking up and taking action. Why? Perhaps it is wrong to teach children to hate themselves or others based on skin color. Maybe math isn’t racist. Maybe their young child shouldn’t learn about sex acts. Perhaps comprehending 50-plus gender identities is too much. Maybe masks physically and psychologically harm their child. Maybe STEM is more important than all of this.
Parents are seeking educational alternatives for valid reasons – not radical, evil intentions. They see Mann’s ark sinking. So should we give underprivileged students an extra apple, or “siphon off” funds to give them the opportunity for a higher quality education?
Jim Fernald
This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Letters, letters and more letters about upcoming Rye, Durham elections